Securing your home means more than just locking the doors when you leave. There are some common home security mistakes to keep in mind that will encourage potential break-ins, including: drawing curtains, social media and bushy landscape.

Drawing Curtains
Drawing curtains and leaving a light on can be an excellent visual deterrent, but only for an evening. If you are on holiday, leaving curtains drawn for several days, even weeks, is more of an indicator that your home is empty than if you left them open! Why not get some net curtains? They are more commonly drawn throughout the day and block prying eyes. Source: LockRite


Social Media
The lights are off, the cars are gone, and mail, newspapers and packages have accumulated. This paints the perfect picture for an easy burglary target. When leaving for a vacation or business trip, consider what your vacant home will look like, and seek ways to maintain the appearance of an active home.

  • Ask neighbors or relatives to pick up the mail in your absence.
  • Invest in an energy management solution that allows you to schedule and remotely control lights within your home. Source: VectorSecurity

Bushy Landscape
Having leafy trees and untrimmed shrubs adds a wild side to your landscape, but you need to know that you are giving the burglar lots of rooms to maneuver and move around undetected. The thief won’t move only under the cover of darkness, but also during broad daylight since they have the advantage of shadows. Source: Ericabuteau

If you want to know more about home security services, please give us a call or contact us here.

Mr. Locksmith Vancouver
Phone: (604) 239-0882

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