Deadbolt Locks - Mr Locksmith Downtown Vancouver

Deadbolts Locks Downtown Vancouver

Deadbolts Locks Downtown Vancouver

Mr. Locksmith Vancouver DOWNTOWN: (604) 262-1907

Mr. Locksmith East Vancouver (604) 239-0755

Mr. Locksmith Vancouver West (Kitsilano, UBC, Kerrisdale, etc.) : (604) 670-1188

Mr. Locksmith Automotive : (604) 259-7617


Deadbolt locks are normally used in conjunction with a door handle lock. High quality deadbolt locks, the only type Mr. Locksmith carries, will make your home or business more secure against break-ins.

Most high security deadbolts are pick resistant. Even our master locksmith cannot pick them. Abloy Protec 2 and Schlage Primus Deadbolts are highly recommended.

Choosing a Deadbolt Lock


Deadbolt Locks - Mr Locksmith Downtown Vancouver
Deadbolt Locks – Mr Locksmith Downtown Vancouver

People do not realize that there are many types of deadbolt lock choices. Generally speaking, there are 3 categories of deadbolt locks

If you’re adding a deadbolt lock to your home in Vancouver, we’re happy to explain the difference between each type of deadbolt lock. We will explain the differences from a locksmith’s perspective, and will recommend which deadbolt lock is best suited for your home, business or situation.

Tip:  Don’t be fooled by the fact that, just because the packaging says it’s a high security lock that it actually is. This is often not the case.

All deadbolt locks you consider should have the following features:

  • A throw-on bolt of 1 inch.
  • A bolt that is dead-locking.
  • A free spinning collar in the lock.
  • A minimum of five keys should come with the deadbolt.
  • A bolt with a large diameter.
  • Oversized bolts to hold a lock to the door.
  • A strike plates that are reinforced with 3 inch screws.
  • An ice pick shield ( to prevent ice pick attacks)
Schlage B660P 626 Deadbolt - Mr Locksmith Deadbolt
Schlage B660P 626 Deadbolt – Mr Locksmith Deadbolt

Other options include:

  • UL rated pick resistance
  • Patterned key controls (Keys can only be cut/duplicated by Mr. Locksmith and only with your written approval)

If you require a higher level of security, we can recommend the most appropriate deadbolt for your situation

Keyless Deadbolt Locks

Keyless deadbolt locks are either electronic or mechanical. Some models can be controlled remotely, via android or an iPhone.

Other options include:

  • Audit control – Date, time and log of who opened the door.
  • Multiple passwords with restricted access times. (e.g. Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM)

Tip – Use only alkaline batteries. Don’t use lithium since alkaline batteries will give you several days notice, before they go dead. Lithium batteries, while having a superior battery life, give little or no warning before going dead and will result in a lockout situation.

Tip We do not recommend the electronic Kwikset smart key, as they have a known security flow.

When choosing a keyless deadbolt, the main consideration is residential or commercial use. Commercial keyless deadbolts are rated for higher daily traffic and are weather resistance.

If you’re unsure about which type of keyless deadbolt lock is for you, Mr. Locksmith Vancouver will help you understand the different choices available to you. Most of these locks have features such as:

  • Digital keyless entry.
  • Keypads with backlight.
  • An alarm.
  • Automatic locking.
  • Combination lockout after a certain amount incorrect attempts. (Programmable)

Keyless deadbolt locks should only be installed by a professional locksmith, and Mr. Locksmith Vancouver has the best trained, licensed and bonded locksmiths in all of Vancouver.

Downtown Vancouver



Mr. Locksmith  Downtown Vancouver Locksmith: (604) 262-1907

Mr. Locksmith East Vancouver (604) 239-0755

Mr. Locksmith Vancouver West (Kitsilano, UBC, Kerrisdale, etc.) : (604) 670-1188

Mr. Locksmith Automotive Locksmith Downtown Vancouver: (604) 259-7617

Give Us a Call Today for Professional Locksmith & Security Services in Downtown Vancouver British Columbia


Mr. Locksmith Downtown Vancouver
Mr. Locksmith Downtown Vancouver